Reception New Starters


Here you will find all the information that you need prior to your child starting school.  In May, you will receive a welcome letter in the post with important information i.e.  transition dates, starting date and class teacher.  Please note we will use the address you gave to Warrington Borough Council Admissions - if you have moved address since your application please get in contact with us.

Monday 10th June 2-3 pm or 4-5 pm

We are bringing back our face-to-face ‘New Starter’ meeting. This will allow you to find out important information about your child's time in Reception. You will also be introduced to some key members of staff and be able to ask any questions. This will also be an opportunity to hand in any last-minute documents.  You will also have the opportunity to order school uniform and look at our “Pre-loved” school uniform rail. 

Tuesday 2nd July – 10-11 am and Thursday 4th July – 2-3 pm

This is a stay and play session where members of the Reception team will be available.  Weather permitting, you may visit the classroom.

 4th, 5th and 6th September – 8:40 am – 3:10 pm

Transition visits - children visit their new classroom for 1 day only in groups of 10 – without an adult.  Your transition date will be on your welcome letter.  On the day you will be given a letter to activate your ParentPay account for your child(see website) so they can have a school lunch or they are welcome to bring a nut-free packed lunch should you prefer, however, the experience of being served at the hatch can be very exciting!

9th, 10th and 11th September - 08:40 am-3:10 pm

Children start school full time over a 3-day period - your start date will be on your welcome letter.


We are looking forward to catching up with everyone soon.

The EYFS Team

Important Documents

These documents need completing as soon as possible and returned to school before 10th June to avoid any delays in September.  The Admissions Form must either be completed by typing the information directly in to the form or if you do not have access to a computer, please complete clearly in capital letters using blue or black pen to avoid any input errors.  Paper copies are available from the school office if you are unable to print them off at home and will also be available at the new starter meeting.  Please post paper copies back to the office.  We also need a copy of your child's birth certficate.

School Admission Form

Permissions Form

Speech and Language

Tapestry Consent Form

All About me questionnaire


As parents, the first day of handing over your child to the care of another can be an emotional time. As your child adjusts to experiences without you at school, most parents continue to want to share in these times. Tapestry facilitates this, by enabling a personal journal, or diary, to build over time. Photographs, videos and notes of special moments are not only recorded, but can be made available regularly to you.

Use iOS or Android apps to receive new entries in your child’s journal celebrating their achievements and exciting activities, individually or with their new friends and the staff looking after them. Contribute to this growing journal by commenting on the journal entries, or even adding your own. Let your child’s teachers know what your child loves doing at home by sending photos and videos back, helping them understand their development at home. Your child’s other relatives can also be set up with access to the Tapestry profile so you can all share the excitement of the growth of your child.

Also share these special moments with your child at any time by logging into their Learning Journal, using your own password. In addition to the simple pleasure of seeing your child’s enthusiasm in describing their day, talking together about the pictures and video clips in their journal helps to develop your child’s language skills and build their self-esteem.

School Meals and ParentPay

Ravenbank is a cashless school and we use ParentPay to pay for our school trips and snacks for the children.  When your child starts school they will receive a ParentPay letter with a username and password.  Please activate this ASAP. All children are entitled to a Universal Free School meal until they reach Year 3.

Pupil Premium

The Government has committed to give extra money to schools so that they can provide extra support to children who need it most.  This is called pupil premium funding.

The pupil premium funding scheme provides a range of benefits for these children in school.  Each school can use their pupil premium in a different way.  Schools may decide to use it for new equipment for the children, school trips or teaching/support staff.  To ensure Ravenbank receives the maximum amount of pupil premium funding we would be grateful if you could complete the below short form (link below), even if you think you are not eligible as your circumstances may change at a later date.

Reception Pupil Premium Scheme Application


School Spider is our communication APP.  Please ensure you download it ready for activation in September -->  School Spider Instructions

School Uniform

We believe school uniform helps to give pupils a sense of belonging to the school and we expect and encourage our children to wear the school colours. Uniform eliminates needless comparisons caused by differences in family income, and indicates discipline and high standards. Parents will be informed if there is any change in school uniform items. There is a detailed listing of our uniform expectations in our paper copies of our school prospectus and below, but basically it is:

  • Grey trousers, skirt or shorts
  • White/red polo shirt
  • Red sweatshirt, cardigan or red slipover
  • Red and white check summer dress (optional)

To order you can either download the form from the school website and send to Touchline direct or return the form to the school office. You can also visit Touchline's website and order it direct.  Touchline will deliver the uniform to the school office and we will send it home with your child.

We also have "pre-loved" uniform section located near the school office.  Parents are able to pick up uniform for a small donation to the PTA.

PE kits are available from Touchline if you would like the school kit. 


  • red shorts
  • white and red top.
  • Indoor pumps


  • Black jogging bottoms
  • Red hoodie
  • Trainers
  • Wellies - children will need to these to play outside as we are an OPAL Play school.

All children need to bring their PE kit to school at the start of a half term and take it home during the holidays. 

We often go outside for PE so it is important children have the outdoor aspects of the kit too. 

You can email us with any queries -

Ravenbank PTA

PTa Logo.jpg

Click here to watch a video from the Chair of the PTA 

Message from the PTA - Ravenbank PTA are a group of volunteers, they work to raise money for school by running events and other fundraising activities. They raise lots of money that is vital to improving facilities in school, previously funding things such as play equipment, iPads, speaker systems and even new toilets! However, the events they run are more than just about profit making, they are also about fun, community and getting to know each other better. You’ll hear lots from the PTA throughout your child’s time at Ravenbank, please do support them by coming along to events and donating when needed. The PTA also need lots of volunteers to help them, if your interested in getting involved please email them at, they’d love to hear from you!

PTA new parent info.jpg

Calling all glowworms!


Starting at a new school is a huge transition for a child and their parents/carers. As the new PTA for 2024-25, we feel that a welcome event is an important addition to the school calendar. Meeting other parents/carers and children early on from your child’s class makes all of the difference to your first year.


We would like to invite you to a welcome ‘Glow’ party on Saturday 7th September at 1.00-2.30pm at the Spread Eagle pub in Lymm (upstairs function room). We will bring the glow (bubbles and balloons), you just bring your little one.


You can get your tickets from either the school reception or the Spread Eagle. £8 for reception children, £2 per sibling. Adults go free. A glow wand and disco are included in this price for the children. The bar is available for the adults.


If you don’t already have a child at Ravenbank, the easiest option might be to pick your ticket up on your transition day visit.


Really looking forward to meeting you all.


Ravenbank PTA