Ravenbank Community Primary School Homepage

We are very proud of our school and all that it stands for.  This is summarised in our mission statement, ‘Working together to achieve success.’ Our expectations are high and we want all our children to develop to their full potential. This means providing exciting, inclusive lessons so they make the best progress they can in their studies as well as providing guidance and support so they can develop as happy, well-balanced individuals who can make the right decisions for themselves. This website will give you a flavour of how we value and educate the children in our care.

Visitors often comment on the warm and friendly atmosphere in our school and, of course, how busy it is. The wealth of visits out of school, after school clubs and visitors into school all add to the enriched curriculum we offer and help pupils to make the most of their learning. The residential visits for our pupils are particularly important, not only for developing independence and confidence, but for building lasting memories of their school days.

Should you need to know more and wish to see the school at work then you will always be made welcome. We shall be delighted to show you around.

We are proud of our inclusive school and all its achievements; these are the result of hard work by both children and staff alike. We value home/school partnership and there will be many opportunities for you to be involved with your child’s education and other aspects of school life. We look forward to meeting and working with you during the months and years ahead.

Mrs J Sach - Headteacher